Channel: jazmin gonzalez
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: progressive overloadhow to bulkblessed proteinleg day workouthow to get slim thickexercises for big legsjazmin gonzalezlean bulkinghow to get a small waisthow i got thickmobility routinehow to get fit thicklean bulkfitnessgym vlogjazminsusehplabshow to lean bulkgym makeupexercises for big glutesstretching routine
Description: ALL ABOUT MY LEAN BULK JOURNEY SO FAR! i answer all your questions & dive deep into my approach for this bulk. i hope you enjoy this video & find it helpful for *your* fitness journey. everyone's journey is a bit different but here's a bit of an insight on mine! i'll be going more in depth in a future video talking ALL ABOUT MY DIET during this bulk phase. i'll talk about my calories, macros, diet changes, show you some of my favorite meals, & more. see you soon! GOT MORE QUESTIONS? leave it down below in the comment section & i'll get back to you asap :) ________________________________________ 💗 keep up with me: ✿ instagram: ✿ twitter: ✿ tik tok: ☁️ BUY CUTE GYM STUFF (my brand): ☁️ LASHES I’M WEARING: ☁️ MY AMAZON STOREFRONT: ___________________________________________ ⚡️ supplements i use // discount code: "JAZMIN10" ✿ 'blessed protein boosters' aka vitamins (skin, hair, + gut health) ✿ oxyshred (faves: gummy snake, cosmic blast, raspberry kisses, kiwi strawberry, guava paradise, kiss my peach) ✿ blessed protein (faves: chocolate mylk, cinnamon churros, blueberry pie, salted caramel, choc coconut) ✿ creatine ✿ ‘pride’ preworkout (fave: sour green apple) 🌼 - code: "JAZMIN10" 🌼 shop my favorites: ___________________________________________ STAY CUTE. ILY. thank you for watching & for your support 💙 #fitness #leanbulking #fitnessmotivation